SEO services | bronze | | gold |
Keyword (medium difficulty) | 4 | | 10 |
Month | 6 | | 10 |
Website analysis | ✔ | | ✔ |
Checking duplicate content | ✔ | | ✔ |
Google penalty | ✔ | | ✔ |
Competitive analysis | ✔ | | ✔ |
Keyword research | ✔ | | ✔ |
Changes on the site | 10 | | 30 |
Optimization of title tags | ✔ | | ✔ |
META tags optimization | ✔ | | ✔ |
Content optimization | ✔ | | ✔ |
HTML code optimization | ✔ | | ✔ |
Website Responsive Check* | ✔ | | ✔ |
Website Permalinks Analysis* | ✔ | | ✔ |
Schema Markup Analysis* | ✔ | | ✔ |
Page speed analysis* | ✔ | | ✔ |
Optimization of internal linking | ✔ | | ✔ |
Headings: H-Tag Optimization | ✔ | | ✔ |
301 Redirects & Canonical URLs | ✔ | | ✔ |
Image optimization | ✔ | | ✔ |
Hyperlink Optimization | ✔ | | ✔ |
Creating an XML sitemap | ✔ | | ✔ |
Setting up Google Webmaster Tools | ✔ | | ✔ |
Setting up Google Webmaster Tools | ✔ | | ✔ |
Setup and integration of Google Analytics | ✔ | | ✔ |
Guest Blogging | 1 | | 5 |
Design amazing graphics for your blog | ✔ | | ✔ |
Contextual links | ✔ | | ✔ |
Add SEO data to each post (meta tags, etc.) | ✔ | | ✔ |
Share every blog post on social networks | ✔ | | ✔ |
Creation of infographics | ✔ | | 1-6 M |
Sharing infographics on social networks | ✔ | | ✔ |
Search Engine Submissions | 2 | | 7 |
Blogs Social Bookmarking Links | 10 | | 30 |
Social Bookmarking Links | 20 | | 50 |
Classified Submissions | 10 | | 30 |
Location optimization | ✔ | | ✔ |
Creation of Google business pages | ✔ | | ✔ |
Local business listings | ✔ | | ✔ |